Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We've probably taken hundreds of pictures like this over the years, but today was the very first time our friends Kaycie, Taylor, and Lyndsie Jordan sailed in a boat!

And we've probably caught hundreds of fireflies in jars over the years, but this is the first time our friends Teresa and Jaymon Jordan have ever seen them!

I wish I could have caught the scene on film (we can't really use that expression anymore, can we?), but I couldn't figure out how. Just imagine the boys hunched over, sneaking up on lightening bugs at dusk, Jack in this hat my Grandma Jan brought home from some far flung adventure.

And speaking of Grandma Jan, here is one of her unforgettable meditations. "I used to think fireflies were romantic," she said, "until I learned they were just looking for mates." A direct quote. Truly.

I'm still thinking that one through (and wondering if being caught in a jar together helps).

1 comment:

Robin said...

Yeah, I'm betting that great old quote from grandma would work well in other situations. Can't you just hear a newlywed say this about her new husband?