Saturday, July 02, 2011


This is not a post about driving around all afternoon in our roofless Jeep in near 100 degree weather to various family parties, which were all fun. It was very nice to see everyone!

This is a post about mowing the lawn. I've been mowing lawns since I was 12, but haven't mowed ours since we got a new lawn mower four or five years ago (thank you, Roger!). Now that Jack is 12, mowing the lawn is his job.

I wanted to do something nice for Roger and Jack since they had a long hot and dusty then cold and rainy week at scout camp. So I mowed the lawn today. With a lawn mower I've never used before. I didn't even realize until I was finished that the way I was holding the handle was giving me a blister on my thumb. Geez, I need to get toughened up!


Uncle John said...

In junior high, my father never caught me at my after school nefarious lawn mowing escapades. Long funny, and kind of sad, story.

Margy said...

John, you're going to have to tell me about those nefarious lawn mowing escapades someday. I am very curious!

Robin said...

I'm sure you're tough when it's needed.

I hope your thumb feels better.