When my great grandparents bought our family's property on the lake in the 1920s, the shore front was basically a swamp used as a dump by a hotel in town. When they dug a foundation for their house, they used the dirt to start filling in the swamp. Over the years, the swampy point has become a beautiful expanse of lawn and trees.
One of our challenges is that boats will sometimes speed past our point, cutting a bit too close to our pier for comfort.
Today the Water Safety Patrol showed up and dragged the "slow, no wake" buoy by our pier about 50 feet to the west. At first I couldn't figure out why they'd do that.
But then they took out another buoy and anchored it near the end of the point (see the green arrow on the map of our point below, which is placed sort of where the new buoy is).

Now we have three "slow, no wake" buoys around the point. Will the boats behave?
When I was a kid with a speedy outboard we used to buzz the speed buoys as a matter of course. Oh! A nautical pun! Course? Get it? LOL
What a great story about the swamp. It's beautiful now.
I hope the drivers of the boats are more considerate now.
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