Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Third Leg

It is done. My alarm went off at 6 am and we headed down to swim across the lake and back--my sister Maryann, my friend April, and I.

When we arrived at the pier, we were met with a host of good omens. The early morning sun was shining, the sky was completely clear, and the water was even clearer. A gaggle of geese swam by. We saw three hot air balloons over Williams Bay. A fisherman even caught a large bass in Rainbow bay as we got ready to dive in.

We basked in all of that goodness as we set out.

Dad, our able chaperone, kept power boats from running us over. We took a leisurely two hours to go a little over two miles roundtrip. As we neared the far shore, though, my Dad said he wanted to see some real swimming, so we stepped it up a little. And Maryann saw a heron land on the pier we were heading for. Another good omen!

Back home to Rainbow Point!


Karen Mello Burton said...

How are you ever going to be satisfied with the prospect of coming back to land-locked Utah? I have been home for a week and am still kind of suffocating.

See you at book club in August?

Robin said...

Huzzah! You did it.

What a fun idea. I'm glad the weather cooperated (even supported). And how fun to have your dad by your side and cheering you on. Still taking care of you and guiding you all these years later.