Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today I did something I never do here in Wisconsin (or really anywhere if I can help it). I actually went shopping for clothes. I need something to wear to my 30th high school reunion on Saturday, and I was completely uninspired by everything in my closet at home.

Putting together outfits is absolutely not my strong suit. (Take the pun. Please.)

I spent over an hour trying on different things, hoping to find something stunning, but ending up with something pretty typical for me. Except for the lacy bit. That's a little something new.

Sigh. At least it was an hour spent in air conditioning. The thermometer in my car registered 101 degrees at one point on the way home!


Robin said...

I think it's a cute outfit. And one that will mix and match well when you get home.

But I hate clothes shopping and putting together outfits, too, so what do I know?

Have fun!

Karen Mello Burton said...

My 30th is next year and I am really hoping to go. Maybe I should start the shopping now to be safe. :)