Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The First Leg

Sometime this spring, when I was feeling a bit sloggy after a generally sedentary winter, I got a bee in my bonnet about doing a "triathalon" at the lake this summer.

Over the years, I've (1) swum across the lake, (2) hiked around the lake on the shore path, and (3) biked around the lake on roads. But I've never done all three in the same summer. Barring extenuating circumstances, this is the year!

Swimming across the lake from our pier is about a mile each way, though some people think it's a bit further. I'm going to have to google map it and measure it more precisely. Hiking the shore path with all of the bays and points is about 22-23 miles. Estimates I've found vary.

Biking around the lake is exactly 20.1 miles. A very, very hilly 20.1 miles. I know this because I had an odometer on my bike when Dad and I made the ride today.

One leg down!


Roger said...

Go for it!

Robin said...

Cool idea. Kind of a make-your-own triathlon. You rock!