Friday, May 06, 2011


I recently decided that I need to focus on losing some weight and getting into better shape. I've been very good about exercising all week, so I thought I'd get on the scale this morning. It's been several months since I weighed myself, and since I wasn't particularly active over the winter, I figured I'd weigh at least as much now as I did then. Maybe even a little more.

Was I ever wrong!

I actually weigh 15 pounds less than I had mentally prepared myself to expect. I repeat, I weigh 15 pounds less than I expected. That, my friends, has never happened to me before, ever.

So what am I going to do now? Why, I think I'll set an actual goal: Lose 30 pounds before my 30th high school reunion in late July. And I think I'll start a new (temporary) blog to keep me accountable.

I'm feeling fired up! (Though I must say I'd feel a bit more fired up if my belly wasn't groaning with all of the Mexican food I filled it up with tonight when Roger and I went out to dinner . . . )

1 comment:

Robin said...

Congratulations and best wishes for much success. Sounds like your body got a jump start on you this time. How kind of it!