Monday, May 23, 2011

A Hike on the Wild Side

Today Dad and I volunteered to help Jack's class with a field trip. The school bus had far less leg room than I remember, but the ride was fun!

The original plan was hike to the Y on the side of the mountain (see straight above the "Do not enter" sign), but the weather was very unpredictable.

Plan B ended up involving far more wildlife than we would have seen on the hike. First we went to the BYU Paleontology museum (watch out, lady!).

Then we went to the BYU Monte L. Bean Life Science museum. I was going to pretend we ran into this bear while we were hiking to the Y, but since there is a reflection of a museum exhibit sign on the glass in front of him, I figured I couldn't pull it off.

Cancelled hike notwithstanding, we had a good adventure!


Robin said...

I'm guessing the alternate plans were also a little easier on grandpa. That's a steep hike!

Margy said...

Actually, Gramps is in incredible hiking shape. He puts the rest of us to shame. Tomorrow he's planning to hike up and maybe over the mountain just north of us. I'm not even sure he'll be taking a trail. I told him to take his cell phone with him!