All four of them were born in May, and all four of them were in our home enjoying birthday cake and ice cream together!
The reason we were all together today was to be with Jack for a very important rite of passage.
At 12, LDS boys begin serving others as deacons in the priesthood. Jack's new responsibilities as a deacon will include passing the sacrament on Sundays and collecting fast offerings once a month to help people in need.
It is a wonder to watch him being swept up in the spirit of brotherhood. Today so many good men who love Jack circled around him and laid their hands on his head while Roger ordained and blessed him.
Today was a very special day to be a wife, a mother, a daughter and a daughter-in-law.
You made me all teary. What a tender moment. Thank you for recording it. And sharing it.
Great thing to celebrate. :)
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