Saturday, February 19, 2011

This Explains the High Notes

Not sure how I missed this tidbit in the past 47 years, but did you know that the tune of The Star-Spangled Banner was originally a popular British drinking song? I learned that today.

I'm going to tuck that knowledge away next to things like the fact our Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist and the irony of Patrick Henry saying "Give me liberty or give me death"** when he was a slave owner.

I downright revel in the rich complexity of our nation's history that is, well, human. Let me have it in all of its paradoxical glory. None of that one-dimensional lore for me!

**Click here to play an actual 9 second recording of me reciting a line about Patrick Henry in my sixth-grade bicentennial choir performance. Yes, it's really me. Feel free to laugh at my accent.

1 comment:

Robin said...

It's a good thing we can learn and progress from good things and wise words without origins tainting it. I wonder if they could have gotten away with anything like that in today's wired society. Bet not.

Great audio clip.