Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Meeting for Drinks

At about 10:00 this morning Jack calls from his school's office. Slipped on ice during recess. Leg really, really hurts.

Mean Mom wins out over Enabling Mom. "You can make it through the day, Jack."

About 11:30 the phone rings again. "Please, please come get me. My leg still really, really hurts."

Enabling Mom is wavering, but Mean Mom still thinks she's right. "I'll be there in a half an hour, but no promises."

At noon I pack up a bag with a can of apple beer, two cups and a bottle of Advil. I drive to the school and have the secretary page him. We hang out together in the office for about 20 minutes drinking our soda and having a chat until his lunch break is over.

"So I've got to go back to class?"

"Yeah, you really should."


It's such a relief when Just Right Mom emerges in the nick of time and keeps both Enabling Mom and Mean Mom at bay.


Robin said...

What a happy ending.

When my daughter got hurt in a soccer game I had her jogging on the sidelines to work it out. Next day x-rays showed her foot was broken.


Glad yours worked out better than mine.

Margy said...

Robin, that is one of the thousands of reasons it is so hard to be a mom and to figure out how to play it!