Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have spent the last couple of days immersed in research for my new job. I've been on the phone, on the internet, sending email messages, and this morning I hit the road to visit a variety of agencies that I'll be working with. Today's agenda included the Food and Care Coalition, United Way, Workforce Services, the Center for Women and Children in Crisis, and Mountainland Applied Technology College (MATC).

My head is very full at the moment.

And so is my heart. I've only just begun to scratch the surface of an amazing network of dedicated people and interagency cooperation. Every single person I've talked with so far is passionate about connecting people with resources and opportunities they may think are lost to them because of mistakes they've made, even the woman who spent many years investigating cases of welfare fraud. I'm inspired and a bit overwhelmed.

PS: And so is my belly. I passed one of my favorite bakeries on the way home and picked up a loaf of cinnamon burst bread to try. As buttery toast, it is irresistible.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Again, amazed at your energy. But what an incredible adventure you are beginning.