Saturday, March 05, 2011


Jack finds treasures everywhere, and he almost never wants to let go of anything. It can be overwhelming for a purger and wannabe minimalist like me.

On my way to Salt Lake City yesterday, I stopped at Ikea and bought inexpensive boxes to help Jack wrangle at least some of his treasures by getting the shelves over his bed more organized.

Today I got the boxes assembled, cleared off the shelves (including much dust despite the cat constantly roaming around on them and knocking things off), and neatly arranged it all. Little by little I will help Jack figure out what he'd like to keep in the boxes and label them accordingly.

And although I'm a purger and a wannabe minimalist, I'm also a big fan of color and fun design. So while I was at Ikea, I also picked up a little something for me.


Denise said...

Love the purchases. I'm noting the symmetricity of the box colors. Think they'll stay that way?

Now how's Robbie?

Karen Mello Burton said...

OOoooo, I love those things you bought. IKEA is my happy place.

Robin said...

Beautiful colors.

I hope he fully buys into your plan and brings you much joy with his ability to control his clutter. I mean treasures. Sorry.