Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happily Overwhelmed

I'm not even sure what to write about today. I had one new adventure after the next!

After I dropped Jack off at school I headed up to BYU to meet with Maggie Kopp, who is the curator of the Louisa May Alcott collection at the library. The sizable collection is second only to the collection at the Orchard House in Concord, Mass.

Maggie is arranging for BYU Special Collections to lend some items from the Alcott collection to complement the artwork in an exhibition I am putting together. The exhibition, which will feature artist Bethanne Andersen's illustrations from a recent picture book biography about Louisa May Alcott, will open on Saturday, September 10, at the Springville Museum of Art.

So exciting!

After lunch I headed to the Springville Library to work on a new library board assignment: helping to develop adult programming. I met with the librarian who is in charge of the programming and we spent more than an hour thinking up all sorts of ideas!

So fun!

Then I headed to my new (if I pass all of the tests) employer for mandatory harassment avoidance training. That was a first for me. I found the overwritten and overacted video dramatizations of various forms of workplace harassment quite entertaining. Especially as relief from dry bullet point lists on overhead transparencies.

So, er, enlightening?!

After dinner I went to book club and reveled in friendship, insightful conversation, lots of laughs and a few tears. Our host actually served caviar, which I've only had once before.

So salty!


Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't care what Judy says, I think your new job will be a perfect fit. Does this mean you are done at UVU?

Margy said...

I'll still be at UVU (except during the summer). The new job will be part time, too. I think they'll go well together.

Robin said...

I was sad to miss book club. Stupid health issues.

Just reading about your day makes me tired. I am amazed at all the things you are involved with. You seem to have endless energy -- I am green with envy over that.

I am glad you are happy. That counts for so much.