Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jim the Mouth

This morning I attended the church I grew up in with my family. Lots of people have moved in and out over the years, so I didn't know most of the people there, but it was good to see a few old friends.

Pictured here is Jim (circa 1979), who was one of our youth leaders when I was a teenager. That's me behind him, trying to make the same face. (I did finally learn how.)

For a while, my brother worked at the same company with Jim, and they often drove in to the office together. Mom and Dad thought it would be nice to have Jim speak at Robbie's memorial service in April, and he graciously agreed.

You can tell by looking at him that he'll do a fabulous job, no?


Robin said...

Now that is a picture with character. Look how cute you are.

NIblet said...

OH, I remember that, he and I compared our lip-twisting abilities. Get him to show you the chin wiggle - I swear he has a prehensile chin!!

Margy said...

He totally showed me his chin when I saw him! Crazy!