Wednesday, March 09, 2011

My Bad

I'd like to think that I rarely make big parenting mistakes. Jack may hold a grudge about this one for a while.

A week or so ago, Jack said that one of the brackets for his braces was loose. He said it more than once. I pretty much blew it off thinking that his next appointment was so soon.

Plus he'd be getting his braces off anyway.

Well, today was the day he was supposed to get his braces off, and the orthodontist said he needed another week. Apparently the loose bracket actually slipped down on his tooth and put enough pressure on it to mess him up.

One day, maybe, Jack will look back on this and laugh. Really a week is just a week. But today it feels like a massively unfair setback. And the blame rests squarely on me.

My bad, Jack. I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Robin said...

He'll forgive you. Eventually.

Those grudges that are braces related tend to linger.