Sunday, February 26, 2012

Night Noises

The wind is howling outside tonight.

When I was five, my family moved to the house my parents still live in. Our best estimate is that the house was built in the 1730s, an old center chimney colonial on a stone foundation.

For the first few years before we added on, my room was in the old part of the house. Once in a while I could hear scratching and scampering coming from inside the wall, most likely little critters who had snuck in through the cracks.

I can't remember if I especially loved books like The Littles and The Borrowers because of the critters in the wall, or if I embraced (rather than feared) the idea of critters in the wall because of the books.

Either way, I'm thankful for feeling cozy inside then and now.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Love this. I loved The Littles.