Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Can Laugh About It Now

When I was a teenager, I was asked to play the piano for someone who was going to sing in church. I practiced and practiced and practiced. But I didn't really have a chance to practice with the singer. We had about ten minutes to run through the song the day of the performance.

Turned out he was an improvisor. And I was totally inexperienced with accompanying anyone, never mind an improvisor.

In front of everyone and somewhere in the middle of the song, I completely lost track of what I was supposed to be playing in relation to what he was singing. Luckily, he was an experienced musician and he simply carried on without me. I think I managed to get back on track during the last verse (or maybe I just wished I did that). What a long, long song it was.

We sang it in church today.

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