Saturday, March 31, 2012


I spent much of the day working hard to dig myself out of some holes. All winter long I have done just enough to get by and it's catching up with me big time. Need to spring clean! Need to organize notes from dozens of meetings and conferences I've been to over the past few months! Need to get taxes done! Need to purge! Need to get caught up on grading papers! Need to finish at least some of the oodles of books I've started! Need to shave my legs!

Really I should figure out a healthier way to manage this pattern of mine. Even when I was a kid, I'd get my room perfectly clean and organized, but then I'd fail to maintain. Slowly my life would give in to the chaos, then I'd get desperate and dig myself out again.

I will never forget how proud I was when I'd tell my mom that my room was a mess, convince her to come see how bad it was, then "surprise" her with all the spanky cleanliness.


Linda Ullmann said...

Me too!!! At least I have the excuse of moving into a new house and doing renovations.

Robin said...

I'm feeling this post.

Every time I fininsh a project I feel wonderful knowing it's done. I forget that it's often only done for now. It will all be undone before I know it and I'll stare at it like the aftermath of a storm wondering what happened.