Friday, March 23, 2012

An Inadvertent Time Capsule

I'm avoiding grading a huge stack of papers, so I decided to dig into a filing cabinet full of old papers in Roger's closet. I spied a folder labeled "Ideas/Dreams" that I don't think I've touched in at least 15 years. I'm about to open it up and see what's in there. I'll report back soon . . .

. . . Here we go:
  • A list of "habits I need to develop by 30th birthday" that includes things like flossing teeth daily, never going to bed without doing dishes, using lunch hours wisely, and waking up happy every morning.
  • A quote by Erica Jong clipped from a magazine: "I don't personalize rejection anymore. I realized that the way people treat me often has more to do with them than with me. It's totally liberating."
  • Another magazine clipping: "20 Indulgent Destination Spas."
  • A list of questions I put together for a book I thought about writing once, telling the stories of women who've led interesting lives and how they balanced having a family and pursuing their dreams.
  • A catalog for an MBA program.
  • A 1995 Volkswagon brochure.

Oh, well. I've done lots of other things.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Love this!