Monday, January 30, 2012

My Cheerleader

Jack just requested a cough drop to soothe a sore throat. I hope he's not getting sick. He already missed some school the first week of the term due to illness, and he's barely caught up from that.

Sore throats make me nervous because they can lead to throat cultures. And I am so not a fan of the throat culture. I believe that the older I get, the less equipped I am to deal with them. It is so hard to let the swab touch the back of my throat without grabbing the nurse's hand to stop it.

When Jack was little, maybe three or four years old, I had to take him along with me to the doctor when I was sick. The doctor decided I had to have a throat culture. As I sat on my hands, I asked Jack for some moral support.

"You can do it, Mom! You can do it, Mom! You can do it, Mom!" he chanted over and over until it was over. And I did it!

1 comment:

Donelle Sleight said...

Margy Kade gets so upset when those words are mentioned in the Doctors office that not only does the swab make him loose his lunch just the thought of it does. So now the Doctor doesn't even waste the paper towels. :)He treats without a swab.