Saturday, April 02, 2011


A few years ago I practiced yoga every single day for about six weeks and I felt transformed. Then I got a terrible case of strep throat, which seemed to take forever to recover from. I lost all of my momentum and haven't done yoga since.

Until today.

Today I spent a solid eight hours sitting at my desk organizing information for taxes, doing class work, etc. About 5:30 I couldn't take it anymore. My back ached. I needed to stretch! So I decided to follow one of the Kate Potter Namaste Yoga programs I'd recorded on my DVR. I feel much better now.

If I'm smart, I'll find that momentum again.


Robin said...

I love it when I remember something from my past and it fits with the now. Enjoy the yoga.

Debka said...

Some more serendipity between our two blogs! I just wrote a post called "Yoga" today!