Thursday, May 03, 2012


I think I might have been in sixth grade when this picture was taken. I started wearing glasses when I was in fourth grade. The big style then was wire-frame granny glasses. Then came the wire-frame bottle cap glasses. Then, when I graduated from high school, thankfully, contact lenses.

When I was nine or ten, I forgot to take off my glasses once before I dove into Lake Geneva. My dad's cousin's husband Tom (we have so many Toms in our family I have to be specific!) spent hours with a mask looking for them in the weeds at the bottom of the lake. Hours! I couldn't believe he did that just for me. Since I was just a little kid there wasn't much I could do to thank him for finding them, but I did make a batch of chocolate chip cookies and delivered them to him while they were still warm.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'd say that's the perfect thank you. I can't believe you got them back.