Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Secret

While I was folding laundry this evening, I was thinking up ideas to write about. I was also wishing that the laundry would be more cooperative as I folded it. Well folded laundry sits much more nicely in drawers and on closet shelves, no?

During the summer between my sophomore and junior years of college I worked as a camp counselor at the same camp my parents worked at when I was a kid in Maine. I was a lifeguard and a swimming instructor. At the end of the summer, my cabin co-counselor, Anne, was trying to figure out how she'd get home to Quebec City.

Since I had a little time on my hands and had never been to Quebec, I offered to drive her.

When we got to her family's house, their housekeeper confiscated all of our dirty laundry. While Anne showed me around town--such a good trade for driving her home, what a spectacular city!--the housekeeper washed and folded my motley collection of t-shirts, shorts, and jeans.

When we got home, I discovered she'd transformed it all into the neatest, most pristine stack of clean laundry I'd ever seen. Seriously, I couldn't believe the clothes were actually mine. One day I want to discover her secret. (Or maybe hire someone just like her.)

1 comment:

Robin said...

Definitely a good deal!