Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh, Deer

Look what we found in our backyard this morning (and sent Jack out in his pajamas to retrieve)! Antlers!

We've seen more deer in the neighborhood this year than ever before. They especially like to munch on our Halloween pumpkins that are composting in our garden.

They drive the cats wild when they're passing by. Last night Doublestuff was begging to go out long after dark, and as soon as I opened the front door and saw the deer sauntering down the sidewalk I understood why. The crazy cat actually stalked them for nearly a block before he gave up.

What did he think he'd actually do if he caught up with them?


Karen Mello Burton said...

Now that is pretty darn cool!

Robin said...

This is one of the things I love about living where I do. Even though I have grown up here and seen deer in my yard since I was little they still wow me. The delicate majesty of them, up close, is breath taking.

I can't wait to hear what happens with those antlers you found. Just promise me it won't be some Martha Stewart concoction. That just wouldn't be right.

Margy said...

The antlers are in the garage for the foreseeable future. And I do not believe anyone named Martha Stewart lives in our house!