Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Megan Loves Bollywood

I met 40 new people today. Teaching at Utah Valley University is awesome like that.

On the first day of class, I ask my students to share one interesting bit of information about themselves. I think we're in for a rollicking good time this semester!

Megan loves Bollywood. Cory is a wedding deejay. Jimmy was voted "most likely to die laughing" in high school. Natalie is double jointed. Nadia was born in Ukraine. Cameron loves Irish sports. Sammy taught English in China last semester. Conner plays the French horn. Christopher has never had a cavity. Chandelle is an aspiring country singer. Christy once shaved her head on her brother's dare. Brooke was mute as a child and would only communicate using signs. Caitlyn is a vegetarian. Collin is a sky diver.

My new students represent 10 different states, including Hawaii and an unusually high number of southeastern states, and 5 different countries, including Taiwan and Brazil.



Denise said...

Best wishes for a fabulous semester! Will knowing these wonderful facts about their authors make grading papers any more palatable? (If so, I may suggest this introductory exercise to my daughter's high school English teacher who grades, but does not read the papers he assigns!)

Robin said...

The fact that you take the time to learn about them like this is probably why you love your job. You care.

I'll bet you're a very fun teacher as well. And they're likely to want to do better now that they know you know them.

You truly are brilliant.