The Springville Herald has been such an integral part of what makes us a community, and I am very thankful for that.
In its pages we have celebrated victories, marked important life events, rallied around neighbors in need, battled one another over issues like whether to change the high school mascot (we didn't) or pass a bond to build a new library (we did), and discovered many of the neat things that go on around town.
Personally, I have long since lost track of the number of times the Springville Herald helped me get the word out about various projects I have been involved with, especially our bookstore. And I'll miss chuckling (and sometimes guffawing) at small town police beat items and over-the-top letters to the editor.
I fear our little fish town will be lost in the big county newspaper sea.
It broke my heart when I read this in the news the other day. This paper has helped me navigate my entire life. It's always been there. It was how I knew what was going on here -- where it really mattered.
I should have seen it coming when the Conovers sold it to the Daily Herald. Truthfully, it has not been the same paper since.
But gone? Really?
I think I'm still in shock. Thank you for giving me someone to commiserate with. It is a sad, sad day.
Alas, I fear that newspapers will be lost in the electronic sea - so is there room these days for an "springville herald - electronic version?"
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