Monday, January 24, 2011

I Could Be Illegal, Eh?

This afternoon I went to a rally at the Utah State capitol that was organized to protest proposed immigration legislation similar to the law passed in Arizona last year. I arrived just as the rally began, snapped this photo, then joined the protesters on the steps.

I've never been to a political rally like that, and I thought my middle-aged, northern European face would be a good addition to the crowd that quickly grew to four or five times the size pictured here. I think I could be pegged as a potentially illegal Canadian. I do say "eh?" a lot.

For many reasons, I do not believe enforcing federal civil law through our state criminal system is an answer to the challenges we face and, in fact, I believe doing so would create additional problems that fly in the face of what makes the United States of America strong, vibrant, and generous.

When we frantically cling to some imagined America of the past, we risk suffocating the life and soul out of the amazing country we actually live in right now.


Denise said...


Lauren said...

Though I hate the idea of the law that passed here in Arizona, all the hype has caused law enforcers to be too fearful to actually put it into practice. So, hopefully at some point people here will see how ineffective it is and take it off the books.

Robin said...

Way to go. Let me know when you organize a sit-in. You know, somewhere close by that is ultra convenient. With snacks. I'll come for 10-15 minutes and be cool like you.

I'm actually very inspired by your political activism.

Can I conside you my hippie friend now? Stick it to the man!