Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Yesterday afternoon our electricity went out at the store for only a few seconds, but it happened while I was updating the sales file in our inventory database. And, well, you guessed it. The sales file fried. I've spent the better part of the last 24 hours working on (or thinking about how to work on) fixing it.

I am very pleased to report a victory!

But even as I struggled with something as frustrating as technology on the fritz, I once again tried hard to have perspective by thinking about others.

My niece Jenny was in the hospital having surgery today, all of us praying that the surgeon would find scar tissue, not another tumor. I'm happy to report a victory for Jenny!

My uncle John was scheduled to have some extra painful dental work done today. I hope he can report a victory as well, even if it is induced by pain medication!


Anonymous said...

Wheeeeeeeeee!!!! Love those pain meds!

No, just kidding. LOL

I'm happy to report that the surgery went fine and the two implants are in. With just Novocain, there was no pain except one pinch from the last stitch ... gee, now I'm a poet! Now, as it's two top front teeth, I smile like a certain 7 year old. :-E

There is swelling and some very mild post-surgery discomfort but that is slowly improving. It will be three months before they can be sure the implants take and then I get a new bridge. In the meantime, I must wear a denture in public so I don't frighten little children or be mistaken for an old codger. LOL

Seriously, it is a solution that shouldn't be ignored for fear of the pain.

Margy said...

So glad to hear that all went well!