Monday, August 14, 2006

Baby Update

We got a call from Jack's birth mom yesterday afternoon, and she delivered a healthy baby boy this past Monday. I'm sure it was really hard for her to call, and we're so glad she did!

She's still really conflicted about what to do about keeping the baby. She's trying to work it out with the baby's father but isn't sure she can. But she really wants to try.

She's planning a trip to Utah in about a month, and we're looking forward to meeting the baby and seeing her oldest daughter again. It wouldn't surprise us if planning a trip a month out is her way of giving herself a timeframe for making a final decision about the baby and his father.

She's also been toying with the idea of moving back to Utah. From our perspective that's a fabulous idea because Jack will be able to spend more time with his siblings. And if she decides in the end to place the baby with us, she and her daughters will be able to spend more time with him.

What we hope for more than anything is that she can make a decision she feels at peace with. We'll be fine either way, especially because she wants Jack to know her other children. And we trust the baby will be fine either way, because if she decides to keep him with her she will do everything she can for him.

We just let her know that we are there for her.

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