Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Table at the Place

Yesterday's trip to Spring City yielded another happy treat. I may have met the man who made the table I used in the Louisa May Alcott picture book exhibition I put together for the Springville Museum of Art a few years ago. I needed a table to hold copies of the picture book to serve as gallery guides. The museum turned up a beautiful Shaker table that was made by someone from Spring City. That was the only clue I had.

Then yesterday I walked into Jock Jones' workshop where he handcrafts Windsor chairs and Shaker tables. I told him the story of my show at the museum and how perfect the table was--not just aesthetically, but also because the Shakers lived in the same area as the Alcotts, influenced Bronson Alcott's vision of utopian communities, and therefore influenced many of Louisa May Alcott's life experiences.

I suppose there's a chance it wasn't his table. But he was so friendly and his neatly organized workshop was such a treat to see, I'd like to think it was.

PS: That is not my finger in the way of the camera at the top of the shot. That is a fierce looking storm cloud rolling through.

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