Saturday, June 09, 2012

Full of Possibility

Jack and I are reveling in summer mode. No alarm, lots of unscheduled time. I can't say that we're using our time particularly wisely, but we are trying to have some productive moments. It's been nice to decompress.

One of the things I remember most about my own summer between seventh and eighth grades was walking to the Triple A shopping center on Route 2A, about a mile from home, with a friend of mine. We spent a lot of time in the stationary store where I nurtured my fantasy of having a store like that one day. Our bookstore helped scratch that itch because we sold things like notecards and blank books. 

I am a total sucker for blank books. So much space just waiting to be filled with, well, about anything. That's the same reason I love summer so much.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love the comparison between blank books and summer. And I don't think summer is meant to be filled with productivity. That will come again soon enough. Just chill.