Monday, June 05, 2006

Serendipity Strikes

Even though I often lose faith in it (and why is that anyway?), serendipity consistently plays a very important role in my life. Serendipity struck again today, and I am giddy with anticipation.

Vern Swanson, director of the Springville Museum of Art (, was in The Read Leaf today. We were chatting about all sorts of things, and on a whim I asked him if he’d ever consider mounting an exhibit of original artwork from children’s books. The museum focuses on Utah artists, and there are quite a few nationally published children’s illustrators who live or have lived in Utah.

He was thrilled with the idea! Before our conversation was done, he’d asked me to curate the exhibit and work with a publisher to put together a book. He thought we’d aim for Fall 2009. He’s going to announce it in his staff meeting tomorrow. I’m thinking it’s really going to happen (we’re pretty sure that if Vern is on board with something, it’s a done deal).

I can’t even begin to describe how good it feels to have a surge of creative energy like this!

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