Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm So Glad We Did It

Here is one of the reasons I am so glad that we opened the bookstore and have kept it open for the past seven and a half years, despite living in fiscal denial. People and community are truly at the heart of what we’ve tried to accomplish with the store, and the following helps me believe that we really accomplished something worthwhile.

From the blog of our friend, who is also one of our booksellers, Shelley:

“If the Read Leaf weren't to change, I don't think I'd ever look for another job. I'll always be able to look back at my time here in such fondness, and it's given me so many good skills. . . . And it's not just occupational/work things I've learned, I've gained so much from spending time with Margy and Roger. They've really taught me how to be completely unbiased and optimistic in my outlook on life. They've taught me how to keep a truly open mind. They've also taught me what it is to be really un-materialistic. Margy's always saying “I’m such a bad capitalist!” but all I can think when she says that is “No - you are just one of the few people on this planet who truly does not see money as the number one priority.” Wow, I am so lucky to have had this job and this experience!”

PS: Though I am somewhat unmaterialistic (owning a bookstore, by the way, is not like owning any other kind of store--books are not "stuff" the way other things are "stuff"), for the sake of full disclosure, I have to confess that (1) in January we bought a dining room sideboard that I have coveted for two years but really had no need for until I realized that it would be a perfect tv stand for a big screen tv and that (2) in February we bought that big screen tv and shamelessly put it on our credit card.

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