Monday, October 03, 2011


For a day jam packed from beginning to end, I'm amazed I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary. I suppose there were little things, like getting my laptop set up so I can access the internet at work or experimenting with a new way to have my students peer review one another's papers. But I've been accessing the internet and having students do peer reviews for a long, long time.

What was out of the ordinary was hearing a new (to me) song on the car radio, from an artist I haven't really paid any attention to, and being totally caught up in it. It's unusual to have my spot hit like that. So I thought I'd share.


Uncle John said...

Wow! You never heard that song? I'm amazed that I know it well and I hardly even listen to contemporary music ... except maybe in the car here in Maine or in the WC.

Margy said...

I know it's crazy! Just one of those random bits of popular culture that I've been missing. Now I'll hear the song all the time and get really sick of it. :)