Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful from A to Z

I'm stealing this idea from others on the interwebs. Here's my first (and probably only) Thanksgiving alphabet. I am thankful for:
  • Airline tickets and adventures whenever and wherever I can get them.
  • Mr. Booth, Jack's band teacher. He is the reason junior high is going to be okay.
  • Living in a community that believes in community. I am continually amazed by what people do for one another and what we achieve together.
  • Diet Coke with a twist of fresh lime.
  • Existential angst that keeps me moving forward on a spiritual path with faith and hope. Okay, maybe using the term existential angst is a bit over the top. On most days at least.
  • Friends and family. I know and love so many interesting and wonderful people!
  • Good conversation with all of those interesting and wonderful people.
  • Our home. I have a dysfunctional relationship with the house itself (clutter and dust are relentless!), but every night when we're all tucked in, I am so grateful we are comfortable and safe.
  • Ice cream from the old fashioned counter at SOS Drugs, a special tradition with Jack.
  • Jack, obviously. And not just because he's an excuse to get ice cream.
  • Our goofy kitties, Fluffy and Doublestuff.
  • Lake Geneva for summer fun, family, and renewal.
  • My MacBook Pro (and everything it enables me to do).
  • Natural curiosity, which drives me to think about, read about, and learn about all sorts of amazing things.
  • My orthodontist, who straightened out the crooked overbite I was developing.
  • My parents (and the fact that they're both okay after some medical scares this year).
  • Quick-witted political satirists who help me laugh in the face of insanity. (We will get through the insanity, right?)
  • Roger, obviously. And he also helps me laugh in the face of insanity, especially my own.
  • My students at Utah Valley University. They are the reason I love my job there.
  • Training for a 5k and my "triathalon" at the lake this summer. It felt very, very good.
  • My work at the Utah County Jail, which has stretched me in good and unexpected ways.
  • Our Dyson vacuum cleaner that we bought for a song from It is superior.
  • A wealth of opportunities. I am particularly blessed in this way, and I don't know why. I never want to lose sight of it.
  • Extra pillows on my bed, which are extra nice for reading.
  • A year of discovery and growth. Writing this blog has helped me see this in unique ways.
  • The zoom lens on the camera Roger bought me for Christmas last year. It's come in handy many, many times.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Lots of things to be thankful for.

I want to catch up with you on your jail gig (the gig where you work there, not live there).

Robin said...

What a great post! I love the glimpses I get of how you see the world.

And I'm so glad your parents are doing well.

I'm thankful for great people -- like you -- who share their lives so that I can understand mine a little better.