Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Would a Sick Day Be Like without Star Wars?

So this is what we've been watching at our house today. Jack came home school early with a cold, no friends allowed. We had to fight a bit of boredom. I also had him build a space ship out of a pile of Legos and he had to use every piece. He had a two hour deadline, but completed it in just over an hour. Then he spent the rest of the afternoon embellishing it. We've got a long evening ahead of us.


Luann said...

ROFL Oh, my family is going to get SO much mileage out of this one!

I hope Jack is feeling better soon.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Holy Begeezus! I laughed my head off! That was very very cool. Can't wait to show my kids tomorrow. Get well soon, Jack. Legos are the best toys ever!

Anonymous said...

You're ganna need a bigger [house] ... to paraphrase Police Chief Martin Brody in "Jaws" (1975).

shelley said...

That's pretty hilarious. Hope Jack gets feeling better! If I think of anything fun you could do, I'll let you know :).

Teresa Jordan said...

You are such a creative mom. And what an amazing kid Jack is to take on the Lego challenge. Jaymon would loose interest after about fifteen minutes. Loved the Star Wars song.