A few years ago, I started a tradition on my birthday to help me feel like I was actually accomplishing something rather than just letting the years fly by. I started a list of unusual or particularly meaningful things that I had done over the years, and the number of items on the list has to match the number of years I've been alive. So every year I need to add one thing.
Things on the list include important milestones like graduating from college, marrying Roger, adopting Jack. I've also included things that make me seem more important than I actually am, like having dinner with the governor or having my picture in Business Week. I've included things that I loved doing, like becoming a certified scuba diver or going on study abroad to Paris.
I'm trying to decide what goes on the list this year. It might be going nuts and joining three book groups in addition to the book group here at The Read Leaf, but I'm not sure feeding an addiction qualifies as an actual achievement. It might be going to study Spanish with my sister in Mexico, but I don't really speak Spanish yet, so that one has to wait.
I think it might be starting this blog. It's a little thing in the whole scheme of things, but it's required follow through and that's something I can feel good about!
Sorry I didn't know it was your birthday until I saw your blog! Happy late birthday! I hope you did something fun besides making a list! (I mean I hope that you didn't spend all of your birthday in the bookstore, but got out a little and celebrated. Although I did spend most of my birthday gardening, so I can't say anything). I like your list idea. I don't know if I could come up with enough things for my birthday. The list would be too long! I like the items on your list that you posted. They sound like keepers. Again, happy late birthday!
Thanks, Jolene! I did spend the day at the bookstore, but I didn't work very hard. I went to lunch with good friends and to dinner with good friends. Best of all, Roger and Jack surprised me with a pinata strung from the ceiling of the store and we whacked it around until we got the goods (blindfolded for the first few tries, then without a blindfold so we wouldn't bean any customers!).
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