Friday, September 05, 2008

Bleeding Heart

A few random thoughts about the things that make my heart a bit heavy these days. And then I really have to get some sleep.
  • Sometimes it feels like people equate freedom with being free from having anyone tell them what to do with their money (and, I suppose, being able to vote for people who won't tell them what to do with their money). Sometimes it feels like money is the end, not the means to an end. Sometimes it feels like money is what we care most about and that it drives most of our decisions. I worry about what we're overlooking.
  • I don't really understand why the very loudest cries in our quest for energy independence aren't for conservation (which, incidently empowers everyone to work toward solutions). Of course we need to become more self-sufficient and develop energy sources (oil and all sorts of alternatives), but the loudest cries are "drill, drill, drill." It's like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors crying "feed me." Do we not hear how consumed we are with consuming?
  • I think it's a very good thing that the U.S. is a strong world leader. It's not about apologizing for our strength, but about being gracious and wise in that strength. It's about being an example and using our powers for good. It's about lifting people up, not steamrolling them. Sadly armed conflict is sometimes a part of that, but it should only be when we see no other way.
  • It worries me when people equate diplomacy with appeasement and, as a result, dismiss diplomacy. And that we barely blinked when we turned into a country that would initiate a preemptive strike.
  • Don't we, as Americans, believe that our constitutional rights are fundamentally derived from our rights as human beings? If, for example, it is unconscionable for an American to be detained for months, even years, on end without being told why, shouldn't that hold true for other human beings as well?
  • We absolutely need to be aware of threats and smart about how we handle them, but we seem to be operating from a place of fear, which makes us turn inward, and I think that will hurt us more in the long run than anything we're afraid of. We hold so tightly to the things we're afraid we're going to lose, that we risk losing them and so much more. Imagine how much more amazing our country would be if we were generous and open in spirit rather than fearful and protective. If we're smart about it, we wouldn't lose our way of life, we'd enlarge it.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Amen, sister. I especially agree with resource conservation and the preemptive strike. Thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I checked your blog today to see if there was any info on the big art show and find it is now a political blog!

This is an incredibly beautiful world full of amazing people. There are so many great things going all around you. Maybe you are stressed and need to turn off MSNBC and take a walk outside.

Here is one piece of good news about consuming. If you want to cut your consumption Questar offers an energy audit. I had it done this morning. They come to your house and measure windows, insulation etc. and then give you recommendations and tell you what rebates are available for you to implement the recommendations. What a great idea! I learned a lot. :)

Margy said...

Funny, I actually never watch MSNBC.

Anonymous said...

Margy, If you want to see something interesting about money google Joe Biden charitable contributions. Amazing.

Margy said...

It sure would be nice if all politicians were exactly what we want them to be. All I know is that my tax returns don't reflect what I try very hard to contribute to my community.