Friday, September 26, 2008

Five Random Thoughts (or are they?)

  • I'm sitting here in my class at UVU while my students work on an in-class essay about fall. And by fall I mean autumn. Word choice is critical in this assignment--I've asked them to write in a very specific tone/style of their choosing and give it a great title that reflects where they're heading in their essay. I was inspired to have them write about this topic on a run up the canyon this morning. I'm still not ready to let go of the weather as we head into winter. I think I would title my essay "Living in Denial." For example, I'm going to wear sandals as late into the fall as I can bear it.
  • We have now officially joined the ranks of U.S. citizens who are personally affected by a fallen financial giant. Actually, I don't think it's going to make that much difference to us, but our mortgage was held by Washington Mutual and I assume it is now held by JPMorgan Chase. Just for the record, we pay our mortgage in full every month. But clearly that was not enough to save WaMu.
  • Twice in one day earlier this week in two completely separate conversations, two different friends brought up the book As I Lay Dying. Should I be concerned about that?
  • I've got to renew my UVU parking pass this afternoon. It expires on September 30. Why would they give me a pass that expires September 30? Should I be concerned about that?
  • Roger, if for some reason I'm not around on October 1 (like if I end up dying in the hospital because I'm not dressing warmly enough for the weather), will you be sure to make our mortgage payment? Though I'm not sure who we're supposed to pay now.


Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL Great connections, and no, I don't think they are random at all!

Mark Hamilton said...

Ha ha...I love it. Especially the line about paying your mortgage not being enough to save WaMu.

And for the record, if stuff like this keeps up, we're ALL gonna' don't take the signs personally.

Anonymous said...

I guess the country's financial woes have been and continue to affect me as my condo has now officially been reduced in price by 20% and on the market for a year and a half ... as I continue to pay two mortgages, condo fees and property taxes. However, notwithstanding what the negativists say, while the economy may be shaky at the moment, the system is fundamentally sound and we will get through this.

As for the sandals Margy, I say go for it! There's nothing like the feeling of powder snow between the toes. LOL

Unknown said...

I am curious about how this financial crisis is going to affect daily life.

Did they expect you only to teach until September 30th?