Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Two and a Half Hours

Wow. A presidential primary with the chance to vote for a woman, an African-American or a Mormon. How cool is that?

I didn't choose my candidate because she was a woman, or he was an African-American, or he was a Mormon. I chose my candidate because I believe he is the best person for the job.

So I stood in line for two and a half long, long hours, asked for a Democratic ballot, and cast a vote for president that will actually make a difference here in Utah for once.

I haven't figured out why youtube won't accept my login, so I'll send you to this link for a video that captures the emotion of this vote for me today.


Jim Layton said...

But you didn't admit that voting for "a Mormon" wasn't really a choice, since you're not a registered Republican. At least here is Missouri we pick up any ballot we'd like. th0ugh Cindy thinks we should be agble to pick up multiple ballots and vote in the Republican primary for one office and the Democratic primary for another.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I could have registered as a Republican on the spot and gotten a Republican ballot. But I was pretty sure Romney had the nomination sewn up here in Utah.

I totally agree with Cindy.

Anonymous said...

That was me making that last comment!