Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Through Amber Colored Glasses

I've misplaced my sunglasses and have been using a pair of Roger's that I found in the Jeep. The lenses give everything an orangey-pink glow. I tell you it's been fabulous driving around looking at all of the autumn leaves.

Years from now I'll be saying, "Remember how vivid the colors were in the fall of 2007?" and everyone will just stare at me like I'm nuts.


Maryann said...

That's funny. It reminds me of the day I arrived in Thailand, after 18 hours of flying and an 8 hour train ride, I arrived somewhere in the middle of nowhere and was picked up by by new host mom at 5 o'clock in the morning and driven to the house. I gazed out the window and felt so disoriented and out of place, and the moon was pink! I thought, wow, I'm really in an exotic place, in a different hemisphere, maybe it's something about the tropical air that makes the moon pink here! The next day, after a few hours sleep, I came outside in the sunlight and saw the car and realized that the windows were tinted.

Jim Layton said...

Cindy and I went to a scenic spot for lunch yesterday, and were making the same comment about our sunglasses. What gorgeous reds!