Sunday, November 12, 2006

Post Script

I realized that in my last post, I may not have made it clear that believing in God and practicing my religion has involved experiences that I can only describe as spiritual. And faith affirming.

Times when I have felt the part of me that yearns to connect to God. That the feeling is more than wishful thinking--it's deep and instinctual and I believe it is an integral part of my spirit.

Times when I have known that something more significant than coincidence or good fortune or anything I had control over was guiding events in my life. Adopting Jack--and I mean specifically Jack--was one of those times.

Times when I have been inspired to action and times when I have gained greater insight about something I haven't understood.

Times when I have been restless or angry or lost but chose to turn to God and as a result felt peace and comfort.

Believing in God can't be just an intellectual endeavor. It truly requires a leap of faith into the intangible realm of the spiritual.

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