Friday, October 21, 2011

On a Lighter "Note"

I realize that my posts took a bit of a negative turn this week, but we've had lots of happy times as well. For example, we took the plunge today and ordered Roger a new iPhone 4S, taking us into smart phone territory for the first time, and adding a third line to our account for our almost teenager.

Jack took this picture with his new phone. He's been working on creating a Lego symphony orchestra. So far he's figured out how to make clarinets, flutes, French horns, baritones, saxophones, bassoons, and cellos.

I think his decision to sign up for band this year in school was brilliant. Hopefully our decision to sign him up for the phone is too.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Once you go smart phone you Can. Not. Go. Back.

And you will love Jack having a phone because he can check in. :)

Robin said...

Very cool orchestra.

Uncle John said...

Ah, an iPhone 4s seems to be in my future as well.

While visiting the Adams Family (That's Adams with one "d") in Charlotte, Josh demonstrated the iPhone 4s's SIRI (Is that the right spelling?) by telling "her" first, that he loved her and then asking her to marry him. SIRI's responses were priceless ... though the phone is not. LOL

I look forward to hearing Jack play some time. He sure has some interesting talents. Good on you Jack!