Monday, August 22, 2011


One of our family traditions is to take Jack out to dinner on the first official day of school, his choice of restaurants. He's a bit of a creature of habit, so he decided we'd go to Panda Express, which is an old standby.

I was happy to discover they had a new dish, one chock full of vegetables.

Jack prefers his meals without any vegetables.

Speaking of eating vegetables, Jack was thrilled with his very first trip to buy school supplies. See?

Elementary schools are apparently restricted by Utah state law from requiring students to purchase things, and through the years Jack's teachers never specified any supplies he could voluntarily bring. So we never bought anything (though we did donate office supply gift cards to the school from time to time).

But now that he's in junior high, we get to outfit him. And I'm such a geek, I couldn't wait to get home and organize his binders and supplies the way his teachers want them organized. (As a nod to sound parenting, I did try to involve him as much as he could stand it.)


Karen Mello Burton said...

The geek in me loves that stuff too! Then they get into high school and you don't dare get too enthusiastic about it or it is just plain weird. LOL See you Thursday?

Robin said...

I can tell he's struggling to contain his excitement. It was sure nice of him to let you do most of the work.