Sunday, June 05, 2011


Jack stepped up over and over today, passing the sacrament at church for the very first time and then spending more than an hour after church going from home to home in the neighborhood collecting fast offerings to help people in need, again a first for him.

Jack's drive to work hard doing good was rewarded with a relaxing Sunday afternoon drive all the way around Utah Lake. We could not have asked for better weather for an adventure in our roofless Jeep.

Here are a just a few of our unexpected pleasures along the way.

The dusty sagebrush hills all along the west side of the lake were sprinkled with bright orange blossoms.

The snowy mountaintops provided a stunning backdrop for acre after acre of orderly rows of fruit trees in Goshen.

Our inspiring picnic spot at the south end of the lake included a nice breeze to keep the bugs away.

It was a good day today for our little family.


Robin said...

What a beautiful backdrop for a wonderful day.

Watching my son grow into the priesthood, accept and excel in his duties, has been incredibly touching for me. I sense from what you wrote that you are experiencing something similar. And that's the most beautiful thing of all. Watching our children grow and become, while we are full of awe.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, I posted about taking a drive today too!

What a great and momentous day for your family. Awesome!

Uncle John said...

Good on ya' Jack! And, good on the ole Jeep for hangin' in all these years.

Sounds and looks like a beautiful Sunday.