Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Shot in the Arm

Literally. And actually three of them.

Up until now, I have never taken Jack to get immunized. Sweet Roger saved me the angst all these years. This afternoon, I decided to step up and take Jack for the shots he needs now that he is 12 and heading to junior high.

Roger always took him to the Utah County Health Department for his shots. When Jack was born, we had to meet a high deductible before our insurance company would cover any of the cost. Our pediatrician told us that the shots would be a lot less expensive if we got them at the health department. Plus we'd have the added benefit of getting the shots from someone who gives shots all day, every day. An expert.

We went back to the expert today. Jack didn't even flinch!


Robin said...

And are you okay? No noticeable emotional scarring?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh phew! WHen you said you had never taken J to get immunized I thought maybe you were one of those people who didn't believe in it. That would have been rough.

Uncle John said...

Tried to think of something to say to needle you about this but my mind's not too sharp this early in the morning to get to the point ...

Sounds like Jack is the brave one. ;-)