Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rationalizing Rations

I caught Jack's cold.

Feeling sorry for myself, I rationalized, "I deserve a treat!" (even though I had already snarfed down a couple of fun-size Snickers bars and four Golden Oreos earlier in the day).

So I cracked open a box of Peppermint Crunch Junior Mints that I got in my stocking for Christmas and gave them a try for the first time.

A tasty treat, but I think I prefer my Junior Mints smooth. That said, the box of Peppermint Crunch will be gone by the end of the week.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh. Man.

Robin said...

Yeah. I'm kind of a traditionalist when it comes to food. Why mess with a good thing?

Although the Valentine's Day Junior Mints were pretty cool. Heart shaped with some of them filled with red cream (but the same flavor). Those I can do.

Hope you're feeling better. It's so tough to mom when you're sick.