Sunday, January 04, 2009

Out with the Old

I am totally overwhelmed by how much "stuff" we have and how disorganized it all is. We are hardly big shoppers, but we haven't dealt with everything that came home with us when we closed the bookstore. And the other two members of my family are collectors (and I sure love them!).

My new year's resolution is to get rid of at least one thing every day (throw away, give away, return to proper owner, or sell). I promised Roger and Jack that I wouldn't get rid of anything they own (at least not without their permission).

So far I'm on track! Of course, we're only four days in . . .


Karen Mello Burton said...

Sounds like an interesting resolution! We have a room that used to be the den that is now a storage room since our basement flooded 11 months ago. G and I really want that room back, but the task of organizing and getting new book shelves, etc. seems so daunting that I can't see us getting it done any time soon. How about we just give each other stuff? We wouldn't lessen the load, but at least it would all be new to us!

Lauren said...

What a great goal! We don't have a problem with how much stuff we have, just with organizing it!

Luann said...

Oooo, a thing a day tossed away. I like that! Just working my refrigerator with a goal like that could probably last me into February.

shelley said...

I think you should blog about the interesting things that get new owners. What a great resolution.