It's true. It's sure (as heck) not a popular opinion here in Utah, but I like Hillary Clinton. I think she has a good mind and a good heart. She reminds me of some of the strong, intelligent women I've known and admired through the years, especially growing up back east. I think it would be interesting to hang out with her.
When her autobiography came out a few years ago, we carried it in our bookstore and at least half a dozen times some offended customer would turn the books around so people couldn't see the cover. A few months ago I was at a book club meeting and someone called Hillary ugly. I was genuinely surprised at how many people in the group nodded their heads in agreement. Ugly? Really?
I can understand having a visceral reaction against someone. I fight that every time I hear President Bush speak (and am pleased to report that I have tried to be mature about putting my feelings aside to really listen to what he's saying, and I do actually agree with him sometimes).
I can understand why people don't agree with Hillary on the issues. I can understand why people don't want her to be elected because of all the Clinton baggage. I can even understand why people find Hillary a bit offputting.
But I just can't relate to the visceral hate people feel toward her. Because I like her.
That said, I'm going to vote for Obama on Tuesday. I think it is very significant that he didn't support the invasion of Iraq. I think he is our best hope for moving forward
together and finding our way as a nation in this new world of ours.
P.S. Though I'm not voting for him, it sure ticks me off that the media is basically writing off Mitt Romney (especially when the economy is such a critical issue). If all delegate votes counted regardless of states, Romney would be actually be the "clear" front runner. Also, I'm offended on Wyoming's behalf that their primary results were totally marginalized. No wonder people in this part of the country are suspicious of the eastern establishment. What a truly bizarre system we have!